Master’s Bible Church is committed to the Great Commission: making disciples. If we are truly to be a “Great Commission” church, we must be committed to building up those already converted to Christ and discipling them to maturity (not to the exclusion of making disciples from the lost). Paul emphasized this in Colossians 1:28–29, stating that the goal of his ministry—indeed, that for which he would “labor and strive”—is to present every man complete in Christ.

The method by which we seek to accomplish this is the proclamation of Christ: “Him we proclaim!” And that proclamation is to be the admonition and teaching of every person so that we are all richly dwelling in the Word of Christ (Col 3:16) . This means that Sunday preaching will not be viewed as the only form of discipleship. We strive to have one-on-one, life-on-life discipleship relationships, in which members of the congregation shepherd other members into greater maturity. In short, we will seek to grow people who are disciples, being discipled, and making disciples to the glory of Christ.

Moreover, because this growth will happen in a life-on-life fashion, we hope to cultivate a culture of community and fellowship—a sense of living life together as the body of Christ, enthusiastically practicing the ‘one anothers’, and not simply seeing each other on Sunday mornings. This takes place through Master’s Bible Academy, Men’s Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, and other forms of fellowship throughout the week.

Snapshot of Calendar

Corporate Prayer - Sundays @ 11 am (EBC)

Doctrine & Doxology - Sundays @ 2:45 (EBC)

Master's Bible Academy - 1st/2nd/3rd Wednesdays @ 6:30 pm (EBC)*

Men's Study - 2/4 Saturdays @ 7 am (Camas)

Women's Study - 2/4 Tuesdays @ 6:30 pm (EBC)

Youth Study - 1/3 Fridays @ 6 pm (EBC)

*Nursery available for littles, 3 years and younger

Please contact us if you would like more information about our Master’s Bible Academy, Men’s, Women’s, Youth, or other Discipleship Ministry opportunities.